Racism interpreted, by Sgt McDade

McDade claims that the officers who felt free to make overt racist jokes in the 70s are no longer around, thus there is no racism in the Bureau. This is a very narrow view of how racism pervades our culture in general and the police specifically as an institution; much more subtly than overt joke-telling. McDade should know this‹he says he has at least one African-American grandchild.

However, he claims the Racial Profiling study done a few years back (see PPR #24) was purposefully skewed by a quota given to officers in North and Northeast Portland, where the highest concentration of African American citizens live, and by ignoring motorcycle cops pulling over folks on the freeway (equipment was not available for the motorcycles).

McDade says that what is interpreted as "racism on the part of the officer is more accurately described as a clash of cultures."


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