NATIONAL CONFERENCE: Portland State University, October 15-17, 2004

Report back on National Conference (from People's Police Report #34)

Click here for info on September 30 registration deadline
Download a flyer! (.pdf format)

Please mark your calendar and come to a

National Conference on Police Accountability

in Portland, Oregon

Friday October 15 to Sunday October 17, 2004

It's a conference that's encouraging solutions, education, action, organizing, and solidarity. This conference will be similar to conferences held from 1991-1997 by the National Coalition on Police Accountability (NCOPA). It will broadly address issues involving police abuse of power and how communities are organizing for change.

The conference is expected to draw grassroots activists, review board participants, academics, and police officers from around the country who advocate for police accountability.

It will be hosted locally by Portland Copwatch, the Portland State University (PSU) Community for Justice, and is supported by another half-dozen organizations (as of August 6, 2004).*

Like NCOPA's previous conferences, there will be workshops on various aspects of reducing police misconduct, expected to cover issues including racial profiling, attacks on immigrants and activists, police review boards, dealing with police unions, police shootings, Copwatch organizing, and how campuses can respond to police violence.

The conference will take place on the PSU campus with the assistance from faculty, staff and students there.

Registration and much of the organizing will take place through NCOPA (http://www.nationalcoalitiononpolice, 312-663-5392 ). Registration will be $50 (with scholarships available) and five meals (dinner Friday-breakfast Sunday) will be available for an additional $20.

Hotel reservations at the University Place hotel (2 blocks from campus) are due by September 15 to secure the low rate of $62 per night for a room. If you wish to share a room and know someone else coming you would like to room with, please let us know both names. If you wish to share a room and need us to match you up, please let us know.

To be clear: One person in a double room for two nights: $62, one person in a single room for 2 nights: $124. Send the money along with your registration fee.**

We will also try to find local volunteers to offer guest rooms, couches or floor space for those willing to go for that option. Let us know if you can offer such space or if you prefer that housing option.

Cosponsors include: National Coalition on Police Accountability (NCOPA), Portland Copwatch Portland State University Community for Justice Citizens Alert (Chicago), Communities United Against Police Brutality (Minneapolis), Mothers for Police Accountability (Seattle), Church Action for Safe and Just Communities (Indianapolis)

Endorsers include: The Albina Ministerial Alliance (Portland), Urban League of Portland, Portland Peaceful Response Coalition, Portland Jobs with Justice, American Friends Service Committee (Portland), Sisters of the Road, crossroads, Alliance for Police and Community Accountability (all in Portland) and Incite! Women of Color Against Violence

SCHEDULE (Very Preliminary):

Friday October 15 Welcome, Keynote speaker/panel

Saturday October 16 Workshops and possible vigil/action, social event, conversations

Sunday October 17 Wrap-up, plenaries, local Portland strategy.

For more information or to get involved, contact
Portland Copwatch
(a project of Peace and Justice Works)
PO Box 42456
Portland, OR 97242
(503) 236-3065 (office)
(503) 321-5120 (incident report line)

Send your registration fee, housing fee, and meal money in cash or check to:
Citizens Alert/NCOPA
407 S Dearborn #1490
Chicago, IL 60605

Thank you
Dan Handelman, Portland Copwatch
(with input from Mary Powers, NCOPA/Citizens Alert and Michelle Gross, CUAPB)

*If you or your group wish to cosponsor (give money and/or time, become involved in planning) or endorse (lend your name to the event because you support the idea) please let us know

**The hotel will require a credit card for a security deposit when you arrive. If you do not have a credit card please contact us.

Updated February 10, 2005

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